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Earlier this month, we released our latest resource Balancing the Art and Science of Fundraising. The goal was to challenge nonprofit organizations to think differently and consider how we can take a smarter approach to fundraising in order to overcome the obstacles we face every day in the today’s changing nonprofit landscape.

Last week, I defined the “art” of fundraising, the “science” of fundraising, and how to find the balance. Without great art, our fundraising efforts won’t connect. Without great science, our fundraising efforts won’t connect with the right people.

But why is the idea of balancing the art and science of fundraising so important? Here’s what we’ve learned after working with thousands of organizations over the years at Pursuant…

Why Balancing the Art and Science of Fundraising is Critical for Success

Balancing the art and science of fundraising leads to a more intentional fundraising strategy and engages donors through a more personal connection.

You might have a compelling story or be incredibly gifted at building relationships with donors, but are you wasting time, energy, and effort telling stories and building relationships with people who are the least likely to give?

Conversely, you might be able to identify the donors with the highest capacity to give, but they’re not passionate enough about your cause to make a major gift. Either way, you are missing opportunities to engage them in their specific interests.

Leaning too heavily on the art of fundraising is based on the assumption that you know what your donors want to hear. Engaging donors without objective and actionable data forces you to rely on your “gut.” At the same time, data alone cannot guide your strategy. Data shines a light on whom you should engage and what you should say, but you still need to inspire potential donors to action.

Are You Ready to Find the Balance and Achieve Greater Results?

Nonprofits that rely too heavily on the science of fundraising often lose the personal, human connection with donors. Yet, depending on data alone has the potential to make your organization come across as impersonal, as if you’re only interested in money.

If you want to learn how your organization can ensure the time, energy, and effort that you spend engaging donors provides the greatest return on your investment, don’t miss our latest resource, Balancing the Art and Science of Fundraising.