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The day has finally arrived! We’re thrilled to share that today “Relationship Fundraising: Where do we go from here?” is now available for download.

The 4-volume report, sponsored by Pursuant and Bloomerang, is authored by Dr. Adrian Sargeant along with Ian MacQuillen and Jen Shang of Plymouth University’s Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy in the United Kingdom. It explores the relationship of the donor to the organization he or she supports. The study examines a fundamental question in fundraising.

How do donors want to be approached?

Report: Pursuant co-sponsors New Adrian Sargeant Relationship Fundraising Research

The new research suggests that “relationship fundraising” principles apply not only to donors at every stage, but to all who play a role in the financial vitality of a nonprofit.

Ian MacQuillin, Director of Rogare, explained the importance of new research in relationship fundraising: “It is absolutely essential that relationship fundraising draws on the latest relevant theory to continually refresh and reinvigorate the ways it can deliver the best possible experience for the donor. This has been lacking over the past 20 or so years but is imperative to ensure relationship fundraising does not stagnate in the future and become little more than a fundraising ideology.”

Our own CEO Trent Ricker said, “Rogare’s research gives us a fresh playbook. It unpacks qualities important to both ‘relationship’ and ‘fundraising,’ with actionable insights vital to development success today. As a proud sponsor of this study, may this work help you enrich your donor relationships and find greater meaning in the important work you do.”

At Pursuant we are passionate about seeing the nonprofit sector flourish. We strive to see that happen by not only providing technology-enabled tools that equip but also transformational ideas to help fundraisers reach their goals. This relationship fundraising research supports the advancement of the entire nonprofit sector. That’s why we wanted to help make it possible for you to read it today. Click here to download the entire study.