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The fact that ALS has raised more than $41 million dollars through the Ice Bucket Challenge has left many fundraising professionals wondering how they can leverage the same principles to generate awareness and support for their organization.

However, these kinds of catalytic fundraising campaigns can create a unique set of challenges for nonprofit organizations. The Ice Bucket Challenge is a great reminder that we can’t “control” social media. Learning how to be nimble as an organization and how to be timely in developing a follow up strategy to capitalize on these kind of unexpected events are important to consider.

The Challenge Behind the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Earlier this week, Pursuant’s Kelley Stewart and Ben Stroup sat down to discuss the challenge behind the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Want more insights about the Ice Bucket Challenge and what we can learn? Check out a few of our other posts:

What is the biggest lesson your organization has learned from observing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?