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Simply sending a letter and an envelope to each of your donors this December will not get you results any more. Your year-end campaign communication strategy should be creatively and thoughtfully planned to reach your audience through multiple channels. By putting more effort into the strategy, you will reap much greater rewards.

An integrated approach should include email, direct mail, and even phone calls and in-person visits for key constituents. The integrated approach will reinforce your message and give donors multiple outlets through which to give.

3 Keys to an Integrated Year-End Campaign Communication Strategy

Here are three keys to creating an effective integrated communications strategy for your year-end campaign:

1. Send donors online. Offline communications should also drive people online. Consider, for example, a direct mail letter that references a story of a young girl impacted by your organization. Use compelling copy to send the reader online to hear more of her story. Then, post a video on your website or use other online content that tells how donor gifts are helping many girls like her. When donors hear the rest of the story, offer another chance for them to give.

2. Leverage multichannel strategies to increase annual donor value. Using multichannel strategies can effectively increase the annual value of a donor. Online engagement will increase the amount that donors give, even if they continue to use offline methods to submit the donations. For example, donor value can increase from $100 based on one channel to as high as $200-250 using multiple channels. Since people are conditioned to give generously during the holidays, it’s the perfect time to leverage that increase in donor value.

3. Look for creative ways to take your campaign viral. At year-end, your communications can include links to Facebook and Twitter so your donors can help spread your message through their social media networks. The buzz created online in this manner can help bring in new donors and prospects.

An integrated communication strategy should be like a symphonic orchestra. Each communication channel plays its own part in perfect rhythm and harmony with the others. Each communication channel should be linked, timed, and orchestrated according to its particular strength.

Are You Ready to Take Your Year-End Campaign to the Next Level?

The next 30 days are a prime opportunity to secure new supporters and to life the giving levels of current donors.

What are some creative ideas you’ve implemented in your year-end communication strategy that have had powerful payoffs?