A wise fundraiser once said “Donor acquisition is like going fishing. You need to have bait and a good place to fish.”
Everyone wants new donors, right? So how do you get them? Bottom line: gifts are the result of effective engagement. Truth bomb: paying to interrupt strangers with an uninvited ask and thinking they’ll go from a complete stranger to a donor may be magical thinking. That’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. Relationships involve a chain of activities that are only as strong as your weakest link.
Webinar: Donor Acquisition Made Easy
In this free webinar, Rachel Muir, CFRE, takes fundraisers through a show-stopping romp of innovative acquisition campaigns.
During the webinar, Rachel shares:
- Proven techniques to add new names to your file
- Highly visualized acquisition examples from every budget and medium
- Strategies to convert impressions to new donors
Chances are you’ve got all the impressions you need to do acquisition. Watch the webinar replay or download the slides to get started acquiring more donors today!