In the second installment of a two-part episode, we grabbed some time with Mary Beth McIntyre, Principal at Win-Win Giving, to discuss how nonprofit organizations can get stymied by data and departmental silos. This divide often results in disjointed donor...
In the first installment of a two-part episode, we grabbed some time with Mary Beth McIntyre, Principal at Win-Win Giving, to get her perspective on the recent numbers around donor retention. AFP’s Fundraising Effectiveness Project Q4 2020 numbers revealed that...
Does it pay to have a fundraising plan? According to a recent study: Yes. It seems like an obvious statement, but having a strategy for your fundraising has been proven to make a measurable (and lucrative) difference in year-over-year results. In this episode, we...
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic challenged nonprofit organizations to act quickly and make bold decisions to face abrupt economic and logistical changes. We’re kicking off a series of interviews with fundraising practitioners who navigated the “big...
Every organization has cracks in the foundation of the giving pyramid. One of the most common cracks is that the major giving pipeline is not sustainable, because of our tendencies to rely on the same donors for (relatively) the same gifts year-after-year. In this...