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“…we are, in fact, on the cusp of a new golden age for marketing. At the core of the new era are five elements that are simultaneously familiar and fast changing.” – Jonathan Gordon and Jesko Perrey

Marketing has changed drastically in the last 20 years. What was once limited to a few key channels has exploded to include social media, online shopping, social gaming, new entertainment platforms, and mobile devices. This vast new marketing landscape has created some complex challenges for organizations aiming to connect with individuals.

Despite those challenges, this recent McKinsey article suggests we are experiencing “the dawn of marketing’s new golden age.” Their reasoning is simple: While changes in technology may have created more channels and splintered audiences, they have also created new opportunities for marketers to personalize messages and reach people directly.

Five Key Elements of Effective Modern Marketing

These five essential elements should be at the core of every modern marketing strategy:

  • Science. Advances in data, modeling, and analytics allow precise measurement and management of customer/donor decisions and more targeted spending. Use data to inform your marketing strategies and decisions.
  • Substance. Marketers today can go beyond traditional messaging to directly shape the customer experience and the development of customized products and services. We need to create exceptional experiences for our clients, customers, and donors.
  • Story. The ways to tell a story are morphing continually, drawing on richer digital interactions and more powerful communication tools. Creating an “omni-channel” experience that consistently engages your audience across every channel is important for communicating your meta-narrative and driving deeper levels of understanding.
  • Speed. Consumer preferences, market dynamics, and product life cycles change incredibly quickly in the digital world. “Newsjacking” and opportunistic fundraising are two examples of the importance of leveraging time-sensitive opportunities to achieve goals.
  • Simplicity. Complexity is the enemy of speed, which is why leading marketers are seeking greater simplicity. The more you can define your processes and develop predictable habits, the quicker you can maximize marketing opportunities as they arise.
How Well Is Your Organization Progressing in These Areas?

Today’s marketing is evolving more rapidly than ever before. Organizations need to be ready to adjust and adapt to effectively engage audiences and achieve goals. That means focusing on science, substance, story, speed, and simplicity—and continually asking these key questions:

  • Are you using data to discover new customer/donor insights?
  • Are you working to customize the customer/donor experience?
  • Do you have a strong and memorable brand narrative?
  • Are you seeking to simplify your marketing processes?
  • Are you moving faster than your competitors?

What’s your gut reaction to these questions? How can you lead your organization to thrive in this new era of marketing?