We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to participate part in our survey last month. We were overwhelmed by the number of responses and the helpful feedback. Thank you!
First things first — congratulations to Michelle Margeson of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation! You won the Visa gift card!
Now we’d love to share our results with you.
Our readers’ biggest challenge is not a huge surprise: acquisition. Every fundraiser wants new donors in the door.
- 46% responded that their primary challenge is ”acquisition.”
- 30% responded with “upgrade.”
- 24% responded with “retention.”
We hear you. It’s an industry-wide challenge. If you want to learn more about reaching new donors, you may want to check out Accelerate Your Acquisition.
When we asked which topics would help you in your fundraising goals we got a mix of answers, but the most popular was “identifying and upgrading mid/major/planned donors.” It got nearly quadruple the response of any of the other options. It was followed by “leveraging digital channels to find new donors.” If you’d like to learn best-kept secrets to upgrading your donors, watch the on-demand webinar, Upgrade Your Best Donors Today.
Finally, we learned that our communication rhythm is “just right,” so thank you for being honest. Your valuable input will allow us to strike the right balance of content papers, webinars, and blog material in 2017. As for online community creation, it feels like our resources are hitting the spot as is. We appreciate your honesty as we evaluated this option.
Again, a huge thank you to those of you who took the time to give us your thoughts. We would be honored to help you solve these issues. As you set out to reach your 2017 goals, if we can partner with you, feel free to contact us here. Here’s to a strong 2017!