Are you only raising five to fifteen percent of what you could because of weak donor communications? That’s what nationally-recognized author and our special guest for this webinar, Tom Ahern, claims. “Loverizing” is a phrase Tom uses to describe how nonprofits can...
You cannot achieve exceptional results without changing the way you think. Perhaps you are facing… Stagnant fundraising results. An aging pool of major donors. Concerns about gift officer accountability. These challenges will still exist tomorrow, unless you...
In today’s fundraising world, many nonprofits use a variety of communication channels to reach prospects and donors. Direct mail still plays a key role, online giving continues to increase, and social media is growing in popularity. But does that mean organizations...
Nonprofits have a natural opportunity to be incredibly effective at content marketing. Why? The story you have to tell is often a lot more compelling and easier to tell than for-profit entities. Because of this, you would think that nonprofits would see much greater...
The fundraising landscape has changed significantly over the past several years, and many organizations are looking for new and innovative ways to effectively reach donors and raise money in a short period of time. New Fundraising Challenges in the Changing Nonprofit...